The art of sportmanship

Inyene Ikpe
2 min readJan 8, 2021


The only way to prove you are a good sport is to lose. – Ernie Banks

You know that moment when you are so certain about doing something right and at the most important moment it doesn’t just workout? Or that other moment where you are not certain about doing it right and yeah, it doesn’t workout either? It is completely normal.

When doing anything competitive in life, there are 2 outcomes; either you were the best at it or you are not. You don’t always have to be the best and your ability to accept that fact is key in becoming better at that particular thing.

It might be a football match, a gaming competition, banter from friends, trivia, schoolwork, boardgames and so many other things. Accepting defeat isn’t necessarily a bad thing, in fact, it is actually a very good thing.

Games give you a chance to excel, and if you’re playing in good company you don’t even mind if you lose because you had the enjoyment of the company during the course of the game. — Gary Gygax

Being a sportman or exercising sportmanship is the first step to become better at whatever you do. Accepting your mistakes and having a pure willingness to learn and improve from your mistakes is key to development. If you think you know it all, or give an excuse for not doing something right, then you’re limiting your chances of growth and you might not think it affects you, but it becomes detrimental in the long run.

People get sad when they lose, they gloat when they win, and they take sports far too seriously. A sportsman should understand that good sportsmanship truly enhances the experience of whatever ‘competition’ they partook in. Players feel encouraged by one another and take satisfaction in the fact that the ‘game’ was played fairly. And the ‘fans’ can really enjoy themselves.

A good sportsman is humble in his victories, and has the proper perspective on his losses.

Some things are better than winning. - Claire Annette Noland

Mistakes are part of life, not being the best at everything is part of life and guess what is part of life too - sportmanship.

